You stand behind your offerings 100% and are ready to ask for the sale, but you’ve got so many QUESTIONS.

What persuasion techniques attract the most sales? What marketing content is key to a successful launch? How can you attract more qualified leads and reduce the amount of inquiries you get from non-ideal customers?

The answer is so much simpler than you’re expecting... Treat your customers how you'd want to be treated. Like humans.

Hi, I’m Kristen, your ethical sales copy strategist!

I geek out over grammar, can't keep my nose out of novels, and am wooed by the written word. But the most important thing you need to know about me is that I'm obsessed with humanized marketing and ethical persuasion.

To put it bluntly, too many small business owners are sacrificing the customer experience portion of the sales process in their desire for profitability. Instead of investing in sales copy that truly serves their audience, these business owners try to serve their own bottom line first - and their copy feels sloppy, rushed, manipulative, codependent, and sleazy as a result.

Potential clients notice this and RUN. Don’t let that be your story.

Instead, decide to fully support your new customers in their vulnerable window shopping phase. Communicate the inclusions, quality, and value of your offerings with transparency and integrity. Address their hesitations clearly and honestly. Persuade with JOY, not fear tactics.

The result? More qualified sales that feel good for you AND your clients, and stronger referrals going forward.

"Kristen’s templates helped me go from zero to fully launched with my coaching services in just ONE MONTH! If you’re on the fence about snagging one of these templates, let me assure you - Kristen goes FULL FREAKING FORCE into everything she does. She holds nothing back."

Kaylan, Hiring & Leadership Coach

Humanized sales are simple and effective.


Your prospective clients have a problem and likely already know what solution they’re looking for. Now they’re “window shopping” to find the best brand for their needs. They’ll have a lot of questions about what you do, how you do it differently than competitors, what your offerings include, who they work best for, and how much they cost.


Clarity is key to caring for your clients in this vulnerable shopping stage, and using joy and benefit-centered language to persuade will always be more effective than coercion. By answering their questions with thoughtfulness, transparency, and excitement, you’ll demonstrate your credibility and build trust between you and your clients.


Once clients feel safe with you and have a detailed understanding of your offerings, they can make a wise, informed decision on whether they should purchase your offering or not. By allowing your clients to prequalify themselves you’ll earn the sale from more ideal customers - clients who will become brand ambassadors and attract more like them.